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Электронные документы категории «Научные статьи и авторефераты диссертаций по электронике и ЭВМ»
1 "БиблиоГид" - Интернет-сайт о детском чтении
2 "Мобильная библиотека" - средство обеспечения равного доступа к информации.
3 A Comparison Between UNIMARC and USMARC: a Perspective for Application in South Africa
4 A New Model of XML Citation Database Using XQuery as Search Language
5 A Project about Accessibility to the Web Resources in Libraries: an Occasion to Talk about Accessibility
6 A Review of WWW Authenticity Assessment Methods
7 Adaptive digital library support for creation and exploitation of the next generation of Ukrainian mono- and multilingual dictionary resources
8 Archiving of Serials Literature for the Use of Future Scholars
9 Attitude towards E-Publications: a Study of Information Seeking Behaviour of Scientists and Researchers at CSIR Establishments
10 Automation of Polish Academic Libraries Using VTLS Software
11 Books in the Digital World
12 Bringing Information to Rural Populations: The AgNIC Model
13 Case-технология в моделировании и проектировании реляционных баз данных по нобелистике
14 CD-ROM "Саратовская областная библиотека для детей и юношества им. А. С. Пушкина"
17 CDS/ISIS Micro в музееведении
18 CDS/ISIS: критический взгляд апологета (дискуссия)
19 Change and Decay - the conflicting trends in document supply
20 Children's Project-Based Learning on the Internet: Telecommunications, Teamwork and the Transformation of Teaching
21 Commercialization and Privatization of the Internet: a Threat to Libraries?
22 Cooperation of Zentralblatt MATH with Partners from Eastern European Countries
23 Creation of a Consortium Between Five Russian Libraries to Provide a Single Access Point to Their Bibliographic and Digital Resources
24 Creation of Information Resources in the Libraries of Latvia
25 CULTIVATE-RUSSIA. Путь российских учреждений культуры к участию в Европейских проектах
26 Cтруктура социального знания в современных универсальных классификациях: cравнительный анализ
27 Developing a Web Site
28 Dialogue Mediated Information Retrieval, Automatic Keyphrase Assignment, and Identification Clouds
29 Digital Collections of the Sabanci University Information Center
30 Digital Eyes: Digital Scanning at the Library of Congress
31 Digital Libraries for Mathematics: The achievements of the SIBA Coordination of the University of Lecce (Italy)
32 Digital Production and Online Publishing: A Report from Springer-Verlag
33 Direct Service and More Content: Building Community and Global Partnerships to Serve the Information Needs of Print Disabled Citizens
34 Double Conversion from Internal CDS/ISIS-M Format to UNIMARC Format
35 eIFL - электронная информация для библиотек: создание глобального библиотечного консорциума
36 Electronic Bulletin Boards and Their Role in Health Science Communication
37 Electronic Collection Evaluation: Using the OCLC/AMIGOS Collection analysis CD to Evaluate Collections of a Consortium
38 Elib in EMIS - A Мodel for Distributed Low-Cost Electronic Publishing
39 ERAM - Digitisation of Classical Mathematical Publications
40 Ethic Aspects of Security on Information Systems
41 EULER - a DC-based Integrated Access to Library Catalogues and Other Mathematics Information in the Web
42 Formal Mathematics on the Web
43 Full-Text vs. Full-Image Information Formats: Choosing the Right Tools for the Job
44 Historic Sound from Edison Cylinders: A Novel Play Back Method
45 Home page ЦБС как способ представления ее во внешнем мире
46 Home-page Украинской библиотечной ассоциации
47 How to Build Influence Circles? Library Management of Croatian Schools
48 IFLA: the Federation and the Folks - Between Virtual and Personal Networks
49 Information Chill, Libraries and Democracy after September 11, 2001
50 Information Literacy as an Outcome of Cooperative Planning and Teaching in the Modern School Library & Information Services Programme
51 Information System of Estonian Libraries: Cooperation and Resource Sharing Issues
52 Integration of Scientific Information
53 Interlibrary Cooperation: A case study of a Relationship Initiated Via the USIS/ALA Library Fellows Program
54 Introduction to the Internet
55 K.G. Saur's New Online Databases and CD-ROM Publication
56 KOMBIBKA - an International Project for Digitalizing the Publications of National Minorities in the Russian Empire
57 KOMBIBKA: a Prototype of a Communicative Virtual Library?
58 Liber - комплексная автоматизированная система управления библиотекой
59 Librarians and Ethical Values in a Cross National and Crossn Disciplinary Context
60 Libraries are Operating in Complex Environments: a Perspective of the Role of Management
61 Libraries, Information and Democracy in a Post-Terrorist Age: Where Do We Go from Here?
62 Library Policies for Electronic Documents
63 Long-term Preservation of Electronic Publications An Updated Review
64 MARC and SGML in the Digital Library Context
65 MARC or MARK-UP: The Way Things Are
66 Math-Net - an Approach for a Distributed Information System in Mathematics
67 Mathematics Subject Classification ATION and Related Classifications in the Digital World
68 Meeting of European Distributors of CDS/ISIS, Unesco, Paris, 14 March 1997
69 MELINETS: The Origins and Evolution of Library Automation in China
70 Merger of University and City Libraries: a New Paradigm for a New Millennium?

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