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Электронные документы
1 Early effects of rehabilitation in patients' post myocardial infarction (Ml) treated with oronary artery stent implantation or coronary artery bypass grafting
2 Ecoethics - View from Internet (Approach to Internet - Ethics in an Education-Researching Environment of Institution)
3 Effect of temperature on the electric domains forming in dipole system of the lipid membranes layers simulating - a computer model
4 eIFL - электронная информация для библиотек: создание глобального библиотечного консорциума
5 Electronic Bulletin Boards and Their Role in Health Science Communication
6 Electronic Collection Evaluation: Using the OCLC/AMIGOS Collection analysis CD to Evaluate Collections of a Consortium
7 Elib in EMIS - A Мodel for Distributed Low-Cost Electronic Publishing
8 Encountering russianness in philosophy: the historiosophical conservatism of N.Danilevsky and K.Leontiev. Interpretations, assessments and approachyes in the western historiography
9 ERAM - Digitisation of Classical Mathematical Publications
10 Estimation of the Birefringence Change in Crystals Induced by Gravitation Field
11 Ethic Aspects of Security on Information Systems
12 EULER - a DC-based Integrated Access to Library Catalogues and Other Mathematics Information in the Web
13 Exoelectron emission from bones and ceramic biomaterials

Документы 1 - 13 из 13
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