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Электронные документы
1 Developing a Web Site
2 Diagnostic and measuring apparatus POSTUROMETR-S
3 Diagnostic of large drives for pumping systems
4 Dialogue Mediated Information Retrieval, Automatic Keyphrase Assignment, and Identification Clouds
5 Digital Collections of the Sabanci University Information Center
6 Digital Eyes: Digital Scanning at the Library of Congress
7 Digital Libraries for Mathematics: The achievements of the SIBA Coordination of the University of Lecce (Italy)
8 Digital Production and Online Publishing: A Report from Springer-Verlag
9 Digital Tools for Archival Studies in the Humanities
10 Direct Service and More Content: Building Community and Global Partnerships to Serve the Information Needs of Print Disabled Citizens
11 Dispersion of Refractive Indices in Cs2CdBr4 and Cs2HgBr4 Crystals
12 Doping-Induced Absorption in Polyphenylacetylene Films
13 Double Conversion from Internal CDS/ISIS-M Format to UNIMARC Format
14 Drift electron mobility in the amorphous tetracene films
15 Dynamic pollution model

Документы 1 - 15 из 15
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